“This is Too much, What if this Woman is Hypertensive” – Police PRO demand the arrest of Prankster, Trinity guy over recent Prank video

Police PRO Demands Arrest Of Skit Maker Over Extreme Pranks, Praizemedia report.

The Force Public Relations Officer, CSP Olumuyiwa Adejobi, has reacted to the prank video of a popular skit maker, Trinity Guy.

WATCH THE VIDEO BELOW ????⬇️⬇️⬇️????

Adejobi, who had previously warned skit makers who use pranks for a living to regulate them because they endanger Nigerian lives, posted the video on his Instagram account on Monday, calling for Trinity Guy’s arrest.

He urged people who have been affected by the skitmakers’ pranks to report them to the authorities.

saying, “This doesn’t make any sense. I think the guy should have been arrested.

“Those individuals who feel the heat and fear of the pranks should be reporting the pranksters as many of their pranks are criminals, immoral, and evil. These women have a good case against him.”

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